Tarot Reading

My sessions last anywhere from 30-45 minutes. They will include both Tarot and Oracle cards depending on what I’m guided to read. Most of my sessions are messages from your Guides on what they need you to know and why. These messages will guide you on steps you should focus on to make changes in your life to align you towards your purpose.

Each reading may be different, consisting of various purposes because I never know the mission of your guides or mine. I do not request information or questions from you. Most messages are what you need to know, not what you want to know. They are two different things.

Your session will be recorded and uploaded privately to YouTube and you will be given a link that only you can view unless you share it with someone else. I will keep your video up as long as YouTube is around.

Please note that these sessions should never replace mental or physical medical treatment.

If you are interested in a reading, please contact me through my website or intuitivegirlwblueeyes@gmail.com.

COST: $30


Just a few cards I use in my readings.