General Thoughts

What you think about, you bring about

The power of thought is so overlooked and underestimated. What you tell yourself and what you focus on every day is exactly what will be placed in front of you. It becomes the pathway for your existence and your path in life. What I always say could not be more true! “What you think about, you bring about.”

So how can thought form what you see in life or what happens in your life? Let’s use the Nissan Xterra example. OK, sounds silly but stay with me. I had to get a vehicle and had to get one fast. I had to get what I could get because manifestation was not a part of my life yet. At the car lot, I came across a Nissan Xterra. Never heard of it and had never seen one before. Well, now that I have one, I see them everywhere! Even in the small town I live in! How does that happen? They were there the whole time, but I had no clue of their existence so I never saw them. But now, I have one and so my mind realizes they are everywhere!

So, let’s take that a step further. If you focus on having a job you hate, and never having a good life, that is all you will see. You will miss the many opportunities available to you because you don’t see any of them as possibilities for you. You don’t know they exist. Just like my Nissan Xterra! Changing your life is going to only begin when you start changing your mindset. Start believing all things are possible for you and only focus on the things you want in your present and future. My other favorite saying is, “If your dreams don’t scare you, you aren’t dreaming big enough!”

For any of your big dreams to come true, you have to know with every cell in your body that they are possible for you. You cannot stay in your limited beliefs. Even if nothing is where you want it to be today. I know it gets disheartening and you will feel like it’s not working at some point, but those big ideals are not going to fall into your lap until the universe feels you are ready to take care of them. You have to keep pushing forward and learn the lessons in life.

How do you begin to change your mindset I hope is the question you are asking yourself at this point. The very beginning of my journey consisted of listening to inspirational and motivational speakers on YouTube. Les Brown, Tony Robbins, Eric Thomas, and Mel Robbins to name just a few. Find who really speaks to you heart. Les Brown was the one that really hit home for me and started changing how I think. It may be different for you and that’s perfectly ok!

I’m sure you have heard that timing is everything, right? The first 20 minutes after you wake up is the most important time for your thought formation. It sets the pace and mood for your entire day. Have the video or audio you plan on listening to ready to go first thing in the morning. I always have them going while I get ready. And for the tough days, I put them on a big speaker I have and blast it loud. There was no missing the message there!

At this point, I have trained my brain to constantly want to learn. To grow. Watching TV is now at the bottom of my list of things to do, unless I’m learning something. I enjoy working on myself. Most of all, I enjoy learning messages to pass along to others for their journeys. It has become my purpose in this life.

Be sure to follow all my social media accounts and podcasts to start and continue your journey and keep up to date on new things happening. I am always on an inspired tract to learn and feel it is my duty to pass it along to help others. I would love to have you join me along the way and help you change how you feel about yourself and your life. The work is completely worth the effort and so are you! So let’s get going!

General Thoughts

I Can’t Do All The Work

Yes, this is true. I can not do all the work for you. No one can wave their hands, do a reading, or whatever, and BOOM… you are healed! Any Reiki healing, Tarot or Oracle readings, enlightenment, or hope given to you will not all of a sudden change your life for the better. This is a 50/50 arrangement.

OK, you are probably thinking, “Well heck, why bother?” And there lies the problem. There has to be a mutual exchange of commitment. If I offer you insight or a Reiki Healing session and then you go out and continue making choices that don’t align with your purpose and your healing journey, well, everything will stay the same. You still have to make changes in your life.

The healing sessions or the messages from my guides or yours are encouraging avenues to help and assist you in your personal journey. They give you insight, knowledge, alignment, and a roadmap to get moving in the right direction. To start asking questions. I encourage you to question everything! Journeys aren’t in the answers, they are in the questions you ask.

Any sessions you have with me will include guided suggestions to get you on the path to healing yourself. I personally, do not heal you. YOU heal you. That is important to remember. Anyone out there telling you they can rid you of your demons and heal you are lying to you. Yes, I will call them out because it saddens me that some people out there will prey on those in need.

I always say, don’t ask me the questions if you are not truly prepared for the answers. I always feel guided to give you what you need, not what you want. From these messages, if you put in the work, you will begin to open up a whole new world. I have done it and continue to do so!

If you are willing to go 50/50 and put in the work toward healing, I am here for you. Everyone has psychic abilities. This is not a special skill for only a few. We all have it. The difference is, I am putting in the work to open myself up and offer help to others. I am putting in the work each and every day.

So, to sum this all up nicely and neatly. If you are ready to put in the work toward your healing because you are sick and tired of being sick and tired, join me! The seed of desire is all you need to begin. Mixed with a little drive to get moving.

Contact me any time with questions! Or Book a Session to find out!

General Thoughts


There are some people that don’t believe in any of this “hocus-pocus.” But I truly believe that down deep they do believe it. I will explain why I believe this, and how all of the guided information and healings will work for you.

My belief of why some do not believe in all this is because they just simply don’t understand it all. I get that. The concepts seem almost mystical and unbelievable. The more you open your eyes to even the possibilities, you will start to realize the amazing things that happen around you every day. You know it does. The things that make you think, hmmm?

Let’s start with a common occurrence. And don’t act like it doesn’t happen. You think about someone you haven’t heard from in a while and BAM! They contact you! Or you think about a loved one you miss so much, and all of a sudden, the song that reminds you of them comes on. Or you start seeing repeating numbers like 111, 222, 333, etc. Maybe an insect appears that seems to show up every time you think of them. Like for me, a ladybug, (or Yadygug as my son called them) shows up out of nowhere.

These are not just random things. They are signs from your loved ones. And the sudden connection with a long-lost friend out of the blue? Well, it is because you sent them life force energy and they had the nudge to call you. It’s mental telepathy you sent!

I’m not going to bombard you with a million examples here. This is a short writing to start your mind thinking that maybe, just maybe, there is something to all this. I want to spark questions within you because from the questions, comes interest and curiosity. I don’t want to always just give answers because sometimes that can be the end of a journey. I want to fill you with possibilities and continued questions to send you off on your own quest.

I have always felt there was more out there and it took years to get to a point of healing and self-love to open my mind up to all the possibilities out there. So, with this, I am asking not that you jump in full-blown and believe. But, to start dipping your toes in the water of possibilities and see where it takes you.

I am always here for any questions you may have. If I do not know the answer, we will start a journey of enlightenment and see where it takes us.

General Thoughts

Discovering Purpose

Discovering ones purpose is a popular question I believe we all ask ourselves. I often wondered, if we have a set purpose in our life and it’s planned out for us, why is it so hard to discover it and reach it? I mean, isn’t it written in stone?

I have pondered this for years! Why is it at age 52, I don’t know what I want to be when I grow up? Although I do feel I have discovered my passion and my path, it still left me questioning why it has taken so long. I’m hoping this helps others sooner rather than later.

So, what I have learned just recently, we do have a purpose in our lives. BUT, and this is an important fact, we as humans are also given “free will.” What does this mean? Well, although our purpose is laid out, we have free will to make choices in life and if our choices do not line up with our purpose, we won’t reach it. It will become lessons we learn along the way.

I have learned a lot of lessons this round. More than I care to learn in a single life. But I see now that from these lessons come my purpose in life. To help others vibrate on higher levels. To discover their own potential. And use their free will to make choices that line them up for a life chosen for them.

I have certainly not reached my full potential, but if you compare where I have come from to now. WOW! I am quite proud of the strides I have made in this battle and I have so much more to learn and discover that life feels exciting. I still get frustrated that everything hasn’t lined up already, but I’m human and journeys are never straight forward. They twist and turn and have potholes along the way. It comes down to developing a positive, loving mindset to guide you through the tough times.

Hopefully this bit of information gives you something to ponder and sets you further in your journey. Feel free to contact me with any questions.