General Thoughts


There are some people that don’t believe in any of this “hocus-pocus.” But I truly believe that down deep they do believe it. I will explain why I believe this, and how all of the guided information and healings will work for you.

My belief of why some do not believe in all this is because they just simply don’t understand it all. I get that. The concepts seem almost mystical and unbelievable. The more you open your eyes to even the possibilities, you will start to realize the amazing things that happen around you every day. You know it does. The things that make you think, hmmm?

Let’s start with a common occurrence. And don’t act like it doesn’t happen. You think about someone you haven’t heard from in a while and BAM! They contact you! Or you think about a loved one you miss so much, and all of a sudden, the song that reminds you of them comes on. Or you start seeing repeating numbers like 111, 222, 333, etc. Maybe an insect appears that seems to show up every time you think of them. Like for me, a ladybug, (or Yadygug as my son called them) shows up out of nowhere.

These are not just random things. They are signs from your loved ones. And the sudden connection with a long-lost friend out of the blue? Well, it is because you sent them life force energy and they had the nudge to call you. It’s mental telepathy you sent!

I’m not going to bombard you with a million examples here. This is a short writing to start your mind thinking that maybe, just maybe, there is something to all this. I want to spark questions within you because from the questions, comes interest and curiosity. I don’t want to always just give answers because sometimes that can be the end of a journey. I want to fill you with possibilities and continued questions to send you off on your own quest.

I have always felt there was more out there and it took years to get to a point of healing and self-love to open my mind up to all the possibilities out there. So, with this, I am asking not that you jump in full-blown and believe. But, to start dipping your toes in the water of possibilities and see where it takes you.

I am always here for any questions you may have. If I do not know the answer, we will start a journey of enlightenment and see where it takes us.

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