General Thoughts

Discovering Purpose

Discovering ones purpose is a popular question I believe we all ask ourselves. I often wondered, if we have a set purpose in our life and it’s planned out for us, why is it so hard to discover it and reach it? I mean, isn’t it written in stone?

I have pondered this for years! Why is it at age 52, I don’t know what I want to be when I grow up? Although I do feel I have discovered my passion and my path, it still left me questioning why it has taken so long. I’m hoping this helps others sooner rather than later.

So, what I have learned just recently, we do have a purpose in our lives. BUT, and this is an important fact, we as humans are also given “free will.” What does this mean? Well, although our purpose is laid out, we have free will to make choices in life and if our choices do not line up with our purpose, we won’t reach it. It will become lessons we learn along the way.

I have learned a lot of lessons this round. More than I care to learn in a single life. But I see now that from these lessons come my purpose in life. To help others vibrate on higher levels. To discover their own potential. And use their free will to make choices that line them up for a life chosen for them.

I have certainly not reached my full potential, but if you compare where I have come from to now. WOW! I am quite proud of the strides I have made in this battle and I have so much more to learn and discover that life feels exciting. I still get frustrated that everything hasn’t lined up already, but I’m human and journeys are never straight forward. They twist and turn and have potholes along the way. It comes down to developing a positive, loving mindset to guide you through the tough times.

Hopefully this bit of information gives you something to ponder and sets you further in your journey. Feel free to contact me with any questions.

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