
What’s New and In The Works?

I am very excited about 2024! Things are starting to unfold and more opportunities are coming forth for me. At the moment I am in slow motion, but slow is still forward and I am OK with that.

I have begun working on a great course that teaches you how to intuitively read tarot and oracle cards!  Yes, I will explain everything from the beginning of tarot, how to tap into your intuition, understand the cards with a much simpler method, and much more!  Be sure to sign up for my newsletter to not miss its opening! 

I will then work on a course that helps you begin your own spiritual journey.  I remember in the beginning I was so confused by all the information out there and had no clue how to start, what to do, is this right, is this wrong, etc.  It will make clear the misconceptions in today’s society and how to navigate it all with confidence.  I am very excited to get working on it later this year!

Since the beginning of this year, I have added a few more courses to my repertoire.  I am very excited about this and they will help with my ultimate goal of being of service to others.  I will be beginning a course called Trauma-Informed Yoga.   The title gives a good idea about its purpose.  My heart has always been about helping others recover from traumas throughout their lives.  I have been down the road of therapy, inpatients, outpatients, day treatment, etc etc etc.  Although those kept me going and gave me some tools to put in my tool chest to help me through tough times, I never felt it gave me hope to recover from the traumas.  I didn’t and don’t want to go through life always on guard with my next trigger.  I would not believe that this was just my life and I had to deal with it.  I have rewired the majority of my thought processes.  I have a couple of stragglers there but slowly they are on the way out.  I am human and this is all a process of change.  I am blessed to have recovered from all the diagnoses I received and collected over the years.  I desire to help others do the same.  So between this new upcoming certification course and Yoga Therapy, I will have a strong foundation.

Another course I am currently taking, because we cannot forget about our furry friends, is the Ayurevic Consultant for Animals certification.  This couple with Animal Reiki Healing, I can help our furry friends lead a happy and healthy life.

Since my last post, I have completed my Kundalini Yoga Teacher 200 HR certification.  I am very excited about it because I have found a love for it Kundalini.  So much so that I am continuing my education of 500 HRs.  My goal for this is to offer online classes on TikTok and YouTube Live.  I will also be sharing meditations for healing.

I became a Reiki 2 Practitioner 2 years ago and the universe has been nudging me to continue my studies.  So, of course, I listen to my guides and nudges and currently working on Reiki Master/Teacher.  I do not have any plans to teach Reiki in the near future.  But years down the road that is a possibility in order to keep it going.

Be sure to join my newsletter to keep up to date.  Because of all my classes, I do not have time to bombard your email box with loads of emails so don’t worry about that!  I only send out at this time updates that are important to know.  

Thank you and Namaste



Yoga and Self Discovery

Yoga is more than poses as we are taught today.  It has been around for thousands of years and has always been based around self discovery and meditation to simply put it.

What caught my attention with the Yogamu Institute was their teachings based on the origins of Yoga.  I never realized Yoga has a far greater depth to it.  A deeper dive into who we are at a base level.  We are not humans having a spiritual experience.  We are spiritual beings having a human experience.  This has led me down a path of self discovery.  

Self discovery is an essential part to healing.  You cannot look outside yourself for healing.  After years upon years of therapy getting me nowhere and medication that left me zombie-like, I finally realized those were never going to get me to the point of true happiness.  I was hearing the same cookie-cutter therapy methods over and over again.  Granted, in the beginning, they helped me to a point, but I was still miserable beyond words.

One day, it came to me that I had to face all the things I felt were making me miserable and sick.  I knew down deep it was possible for me.  I knew there was more to my life than just getting by.  After a couple of years of diving hard into personal development.  Into waking up every morning and listening to motivational speakers, I had this spark in me that kept nudging me to try meditation.

I said the same thing as most others say, I can’t meditate because my mind won’t shut up.  Sound familiar?  My mind would go 100 miles an hour jumping from one thought to another.  I still fought it anyway.  So, looking back, I believe the Universe tried a different route.  I was nudged to take out my Tarot cards I bought while in high school and never really touched.  Using these cards led me to tapping into my intuition more and more until I finally said, OK, OK!  I’ll try meditation!

I did not think about Yoga as an option due to the issues I was having with my back.  At the time, I believed Yoga was what people do in a studio for exercise.  After months of trying meditations I found on YouTube, I was presented with  a Yogamu Institute ad on Facebook.  I ended up signing up for their course bundle for Yoga, Meditation, and Kundalini.  I had tried an online class of Kundalini and I was completely intimidated by it.  But it was part of the bundle so why not.

As I was reading through the material for the meditation class, I was discovering a whole world hidden behind the yoga classes I knew.  There is so much more to yoga than what we see.  The origins of it are meditation based.  Focused on self discovery.  Getting to the roots of who you are and how to view the world around you.  I am learning so much about myself that have been hidden deep in my subconscious that has held me stagnant for so long in my journey.  The doors have been opening and I view the world on a whole new level.  My depression and anxiety are gone.  Don’t get me wrong, I still have my days.  But they are learning opportunities.  I ask questions rather than sitting like a blob of self pity.  I see that I am put in positions that are not comfortable, and sometimes outright hate, because it will lead me to discovering more about myself and how to handle the perceived ups and downs in life.

Meditation brings you to a peaceful place in the moment.  I have learned that anxiety and depression is based upon worries of the past and the future.  When you meditate and get your mind in the present moment, you begin to heal.  Bringing yourself into your heart space, calms your mind and you feel love for yourself.  When you are in that space, your thoughts stop racing.  Your anxiety ceases.  You will get to a point where you love your meditation time and miss it when you don’t.

Yoga, meditation, and kundalini are about discovering you.  It helps you let go of your past.  View the world around you in a whole new, peaceful and exciting way.  I have a newfound love for kundalini yoga and all it does for me.  So much so that most of my focus is progressing in my studies of it.  It brings me so much vitality and opens me up further for possibilities. 

I also want to explain that yoga, meditation, and kundalini are not based on any religion.  It is for everyone of any religion around the world.  I decided to take classes with Yogamu because it is based in India.  The birthplace of Yoga.  Sankrit is used in mantras (prayers), but again, not attached to religion.  It is an ancient language.  Said to be the oldest on the planet.  It isn’t so much a language as it is a vibration connecting you to the earth and the Universe.  Universe can be who you call God, Buddha, and so on.  I say Universe to cover it all.  I felt this was important to note as it was part of my questions in beginning my studies.

I am blessed to have all of these in my life now.  I want to take what I learn to be a service to others on their journeys.  I know what it feels like to live in a world of desperation and hopelessness.  I am here to tell you, there is a way out.  There is a world out there for you bigger than you could imagine for yourself.  It just takes a spark in you to begin and I am happy to help you in that journey.

Be sure to sign up for my newsletter, join me on Facebook, YouTube and Tiktok for live meditations, Reiki sessions, Tarot mentorship, and yoga.  I am here to help you get started on the life and experiences you are meant to have and find peace.


Heart-Based Meditation

What will a heart-based meditation do for you?  It will bring you out of the chaos of your thoughts swirling in your mind.  Concentrating on your heart as a bright white light will center you away from those thoughts and bring you into the now.  Where there is peace and love. 

When you are truly in your heart-space.  Seeing your heart as this bright, warming light, you will naturally feel a smile.  Tell your heart thank you, I love you my heart.  Sometimes this will cause the reaction of tears streaming down your face.  I know it did for me.  It still does from time to time.  Not because I am sad, but because I feel so much love and peace.  They are tears of joy and happiness.  Something I had longed for my entire life.  And it was always there for me to tap into.  I just did not know how.

Taking a step every morning to show your heart love – you will begin to transform your life into something you never thought possible.  I used to think this was all crazy talk.  I am here now to tell you, it is not.  I am a testament to this being possible for you.

The following meditation will get you into your heart-space.  You will feel so much love for yourself.  The quiet will feel blissful.  As with anything you start, it will take practice.  Do this with zero judgement.  There is no right or wrong.  This is your journey. Your beautiful journey.    Take a few moments every day and do this meditation.


Angel Numbers

Friday I was feeling really sick and while at work, all day, it was Angel numbers. To the point that it was crazy! 1:11, 11:11, 2:22, 3:33, 4:44, 5:55 and then two people I rang up, for some reason their totals stood out. $29.00 and $79.00. There was one day I keep getting even totals. My guides were making sure I was paying attention! Yesterday was 4:44 and 5:55. I am paying attention! Things are going to be changing but my guides and angels are all around me, supporting me.

The run of repeating numbers are them telling me to pay attention. I need to make note of what is coming. What messages I need to listen to. 79 is telling me to get into my heart space. Do what it is I want to do. That is where we should listen to ourselves. From our heart. Not from the confusion and judgements of our minds. 7 is fear not. Its when you are feeling called to do something and not quite sure what it is or how it will work out. Reminds you to be spontaneous and courageious, but also smart and cautious. 9 is telling you something is coming into completion. There have been lessons learned but it is ending. Its ok to be sad but with the 7, it is saying dont be fearful. Now 29, hold on to your purpose! Life can be such a distraction at times, but I need to remember what my ultimate goals are. My purpose. I need to stay on course amist all the noise.

This all makes sense because I was starting to feel overwhelmed and distracted and letting self-doubt creep in. When you open yourself up to what your guides are telling you, your whole world will become simplier to navigate. Life doesn’t get easier, but you will be given nudges on your navigation through it. There is a reason and lesson for everything. There is no good or bad. The question to ask is, what will I learn from this?

I will just breath, put my hands on my heart during a meditation and say, “I have purpose.” Life is good.


Root Chakra

How do you know if you have a weakness or imbalance with your Root Chakra?

The following signs of a weak or imbalanced root chakra:

  • Disconnection from the body, being ungrounded
  • Knee or feet troubles
  • Underweight, obesity and/or eating disorders
  • Fearful, anxious, restless, can’t settle, phobias, nightmares, psychosis
  • Basic lack of trust, suspicion, keeping guard up
  • Greed, hoarding or financial difficulty
  • Sluggish, lazy, tired
  • Becoming overly dependent on others
  • Poor focus and discipline
  • Poor boundaries or rigid boundaries
  • Chronic disorganization, indecisiveness, easily overwhelmed

What may help you balance and ground?

  • Deepen connection to the natural world
  • Become aware of one’s physicality
  • Avoid premature development of higher energy centers
  • Reconnection with body•Physical activity
  • Touch, massage
  • Hatha yoga
  • Analysis of earliest childhood relationship to mother
  • Reclaiming the right to be here

It is so important to start your journey balancing your first chakra. Grounding will be the solid building block to reaching your goals of becoming happy, healthy, and filled with joy.


Learning Journey

In life, never stop learning. Do not ever feel you know enough or that you know all. So much potential and growth come from continuing your learning journey. I was never a great student in school. I was always focused on my dancing. I did not understand the importance of not only learning your A, B, C’s in school, but it was important to question everything. Especially going deep within myself. If I had done that growing up, I would have saved a lifetime of heartache, but at the same time, I would have missed a lifetime of lessons. So, everything you experience in life has a lesson and part of your journey. My personal journey today was not meant until this time in my life. And I am thankful and blessed for the opportunities.

At this time, I have completed Devine Light Reiki 2 with Mary Fielder at the Reiki Place and my 100 HR certification as a Meditation Teacher with Yogamu Institute based in India. My ongoing journey at the moment is completing my 200 HR Meditation Teacher certification, 200n HR Yoga and Kundalini Teacher Training, and over the next two years I will become a Yoga Therapist.

So much joy and love goes into learning. These classes are creating the ability to dive deep into my inner self. To understand how to develop the life I desire, to feel love and joy, and to pass along all that I learn to others so you may also feel the same. I also hope to spark a light into your own personal journey.

My life has now been dedicated to learning everything I can in order to help others heal. I have long-time goes to offer a community to those ready to create changes in their lives to make this a better world to live in. It IS possible. But only if we learn and share our lessons with others and spread this joy.

If you have any questions or are interested in joining this journey, please feel free to follow me on all my social media accounts, and join my newsletter and website here. I look forward to creating a path of happiness!

General Thoughts

Daily Prompt

Do you see yourself as a leader?

Growing up, I was painfully shy. Being a leader of anything was not something I ever felt possible for me. The shyness was always the product of a huge lack of self-esteem. In the back of my mind I always wanted to be in some sort of capacity but I believe it was more geared towards wanted to feel like I was somebody in this world.

Fast forward to today, leadership isn’t so much as a goal or desire. I believe it is more that I want to be an inspiration to others. I want to be someone that can help light a spark that anything is possible. Change is possible for the greater good. I have devoted my life now to learning and understanding the Universe and how to find peace, happiness, joy, and above all blissfulness. To help others heal themselves and embody love.

If this ultimately is seen as leadership, that is ok too. If I am able to pave a path for others to follow, awesome! But I want others to walk beside me. I want to be in the trenches of life with others experiencing all it has to offer – Good, bad, or indifferent.

General Thoughts

My Yoga Journey

I knew the physical aspects of yoga were going to be challenging. I deal with trauma related aches and pains displaying as lower back pain and arthritis. I also realize I battle with my own self with thoughts that do not serve me. This will be a journey of self-discovery and a lot of inner work. It is a test of my will and determination. I will not give up because I understand the long term benefits both physically, mentally, and spiritually.

Part of my “shadow work” is my desire to finish things quickly. Always feeling I need to hit the finish line now. I believe this comes from being held down not only by others, but by my own false beliefs. These false beliefs came with a very low self-esteem which lead to the act of comparison which of course steals your joy and so my inner work will consist of getting rid of that desire because they only stop me from achieving my own passions and purpose in life.

I have signed up for online courses through Yogamu Institute. I have set goals for myself and will stay the course. I will understand these goals will not happen overnight and they are part of a spiritual journey. I have finished my 100HR Meditation Teacher course so far and working towards my 200HR. In the meantime, I have also began my Yoga courses. (Kundalini is also in my future as these will all work together beautifully.)

This will be my true test by keeping my focus forward, with positivity, joy, and love of self. It has been a hard journey up to now but I can tell you one fact – it has been well worth it!

Be sure to follow me on all my social media accounts to stay up to date and to join me in online live classes in the near future!

General Thoughts

Give up this one word.

If you had to give up one word that you use regularly,
what would it be?

I have already given up this one word because I have learned that saying this word only gives you permission to give up if you fail. I’ve learned that “failure isn’t failure if a lesson from it’s learned.” And yes, I’m using a line from an old Garth Brooks song. That one line changed my thinking so well worth it!

If you take out this one word, you will begin to open up a whole world of possibilities. You will begin to stop limiting yourself and the beliefs you have about what is possible for you. I won’t lie, it is not an easy word to give up, but I do promise you, you will thank me later!

The one word is TRY. Yes, the whole, I will try to make my bed every morning. I will try to eat better. I will try to start exercising. Get the picture? Let us remove that word and change the whole feeling of those sentences. I WILL make my bed every morning. I WILL eat better. I WILL start exercising.

Do you feel the power difference between the two options? I know I do! Let’s start today off with:


General Thoughts

How are you feeling right now?

How are you feeling right now?

The journey of self-discovery is not a straight path. I can be honest about that fact for sure. There are so many subconscious factors in one’s life that manifest our present and future lives. But the question is, how am I feeling right now?

At the moment, I am feeling the new discoveries on an emotional level and learning to let go. Letting go of things that do not serve us seems like it should be a no-brainer. Easy-peasy. What is the point of holding onto them? Sometimes, even the horrible things, are part of our being. It has become so normal that even the things we would never wish on others, feel safe. Because we know how to cope with them. The thought of an existence of all the things we want to manifest in our lives has a level of uncertainty because in our subconscious, we do not believe it is possible for us.

I look back at everything I have survived in my life, and think, WOW! I am learning to take them as lessons rather than feeling like a victim in my life. I rework my brain to know that I can overcome anything put in front of me. I am strong. Rewiring my brain to focus on my “now” with no judgment, will lead me to a new future that is not based on my past. I use my past as a learning experience to share with others to give them hope and strength.

So to answer the question of how am I feeling right now, I’m battling the letting-go process and rewiring my thinking. This process sometimes puts you in a grieving or depressed state, and that is normal, but pushing through it and not allowing those past thoughts to overtake you is worth the effort. I do not put much thought into the down states and focus on the positives because I know the change will happen. Let me also state, that no matter my circumstances, I continue to keep joy and love in my heart. Everything else is just noise.