General Thoughts

Give up this one word.

If you had to give up one word that you use regularly,
what would it be?

I have already given up this one word because I have learned that saying this word only gives you permission to give up if you fail. I’ve learned that “failure isn’t failure if a lesson from it’s learned.” And yes, I’m using a line from an old Garth Brooks song. That one line changed my thinking so well worth it!

If you take out this one word, you will begin to open up a whole world of possibilities. You will begin to stop limiting yourself and the beliefs you have about what is possible for you. I won’t lie, it is not an easy word to give up, but I do promise you, you will thank me later!

The one word is TRY. Yes, the whole, I will try to make my bed every morning. I will try to eat better. I will try to start exercising. Get the picture? Let us remove that word and change the whole feeling of those sentences. I WILL make my bed every morning. I WILL eat better. I WILL start exercising.

Do you feel the power difference between the two options? I know I do! Let’s start today off with:


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