General Thoughts

My Yoga Journey

I knew the physical aspects of yoga were going to be challenging. I deal with trauma related aches and pains displaying as lower back pain and arthritis. I also realize I battle with my own self with thoughts that do not serve me. This will be a journey of self-discovery and a lot of inner work. It is a test of my will and determination. I will not give up because I understand the long term benefits both physically, mentally, and spiritually.

Part of my “shadow work” is my desire to finish things quickly. Always feeling I need to hit the finish line now. I believe this comes from being held down not only by others, but by my own false beliefs. These false beliefs came with a very low self-esteem which lead to the act of comparison which of course steals your joy and so my inner work will consist of getting rid of that desire because they only stop me from achieving my own passions and purpose in life.

I have signed up for online courses through Yogamu Institute. I have set goals for myself and will stay the course. I will understand these goals will not happen overnight and they are part of a spiritual journey. I have finished my 100HR Meditation Teacher course so far and working towards my 200HR. In the meantime, I have also began my Yoga courses. (Kundalini is also in my future as these will all work together beautifully.)

This will be my true test by keeping my focus forward, with positivity, joy, and love of self. It has been a hard journey up to now but I can tell you one fact – it has been well worth it!

Be sure to follow me on all my social media accounts to stay up to date and to join me in online live classes in the near future!

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