General Thoughts

How are you feeling right now?

How are you feeling right now?

The journey of self-discovery is not a straight path. I can be honest about that fact for sure. There are so many subconscious factors in one’s life that manifest our present and future lives. But the question is, how am I feeling right now?

At the moment, I am feeling the new discoveries on an emotional level and learning to let go. Letting go of things that do not serve us seems like it should be a no-brainer. Easy-peasy. What is the point of holding onto them? Sometimes, even the horrible things, are part of our being. It has become so normal that even the things we would never wish on others, feel safe. Because we know how to cope with them. The thought of an existence of all the things we want to manifest in our lives has a level of uncertainty because in our subconscious, we do not believe it is possible for us.

I look back at everything I have survived in my life, and think, WOW! I am learning to take them as lessons rather than feeling like a victim in my life. I rework my brain to know that I can overcome anything put in front of me. I am strong. Rewiring my brain to focus on my “now” with no judgment, will lead me to a new future that is not based on my past. I use my past as a learning experience to share with others to give them hope and strength.

So to answer the question of how am I feeling right now, I’m battling the letting-go process and rewiring my thinking. This process sometimes puts you in a grieving or depressed state, and that is normal, but pushing through it and not allowing those past thoughts to overtake you is worth the effort. I do not put much thought into the down states and focus on the positives because I know the change will happen. Let me also state, that no matter my circumstances, I continue to keep joy and love in my heart. Everything else is just noise.

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