General Thoughts

Daily Prompt

Do you see yourself as a leader?

Growing up, I was painfully shy. Being a leader of anything was not something I ever felt possible for me. The shyness was always the product of a huge lack of self-esteem. In the back of my mind I always wanted to be in some sort of capacity but I believe it was more geared towards wanted to feel like I was somebody in this world.

Fast forward to today, leadership isn’t so much as a goal or desire. I believe it is more that I want to be an inspiration to others. I want to be someone that can help light a spark that anything is possible. Change is possible for the greater good. I have devoted my life now to learning and understanding the Universe and how to find peace, happiness, joy, and above all blissfulness. To help others heal themselves and embody love.

If this ultimately is seen as leadership, that is ok too. If I am able to pave a path for others to follow, awesome! But I want others to walk beside me. I want to be in the trenches of life with others experiencing all it has to offer – Good, bad, or indifferent.