
Why Intuitive Girl with Blue Eyes?

OK, I know this name is probably not all that creative and may sound like something I just through together but there is actually something to it. I fought with myself thinking I should change it to something catchy and more eye appealing. Considering for over 20 years I’ve been a web and graphic designer dealing with marketing, I should do better. To be honest, I’m still fighting with my designer self to change it. Have you ever heard the saying that a plumbers house leaks, a mechanics car runs terrible? I’m more focused I guess on the content than the aesthetics.

I could flip the coin and say that I just went with the basics in describing myself. I’ve always felt I was intuitive. Reading people and their intensions seems to come naturally for me. Empath was certainly a candidate also as I am a high sensitive one. But I didn’t want to focus on the aspect of me that was more than likely sculpted by all the years of mental and physical abuse. Intuitive is defined as “using or based on what one feels to be true even without conscious reasoning; instinctive.” Part of my journey is diving deep into my subconscious mind to heal the scars formed over the years and reprogram myself in a more positive light. I rely on my intuitiveness and am learning to trust it more and more as many messages come from my guides and ancestors.

The girl part of my name is pretty basic and self explanatory. Not a big stretch of my imagination there. Neither is Blue Eyes. But there is something behind it. After of years of dealing with Anorexia Nervosa and making hating myself a full-time job, the one thing I could always say I liked about me were my blue eyes. It’s the one thing over the years I had nothing horrible to say about them and it was the first thing to begin my journey of self-love.

Intuitive Girl with Blue Eyes is the starting place of a journey of self-love. Love being the highest vibration, I felt it was the place to begin the work on myself. So far, I am happy with my progress because I have come a very long way. I can look at this name and know, this is me and I’m happy. Everyone needs a solid foundation to build upon, and whether or not this name is aesthetically pleasing or graphically appealing doesn’t really matter. I’ll run with love and happiness as my first choice.

2 thoughts on “Why Intuitive Girl with Blue Eyes?”

  1. It’s scary how deep I feel the things you write! You don’t know how much it has brought realization of things around me! How much your article what you think about you being about has changed my way of thinking so much and I am working on more! Thank you for what you are doing! I also have went through mental and physical abuse! I also have fought year of bulimia so I kind of can relate! You are an inspiration to me in so many ways!

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