
Random Tidbits for Inspiration

The following are tidbits of inspirational thoughts and concepts to consider in your day-to-day life. My hope is to begin you on a journey of adjusting your mindset to achieve personal growth. These have inspired me throughout my own journey.

  1. When facing something new, or something you know you should do, remove the word “try” from your vocabulary. The word “try” gives you an out when you let rampant thoughts talk you out of something. You will say, “Well, at least I tried.” It doesn’t put into your subconscious that you are going to do it. It is an absolute maybe I will. Speak into the Universe that you “will” do something. There are no excuses to be had. No thoughts to combat your plan to achieve it. It is happening. So say, “I will… “, “I am going to…” Do not leave any room for excuses because it is going to happen.
  2. Separate your emotions and your beliefs from that of others. Sit with yourself and understand what is yours. What are true to your beliefs, your desires, your convictions. When you understand who you are as a person, you are able to protect your heart from others ill will intentions. You are able to set up healthy boundaries and not let the emotions of others affect how you feel in the moment. Understand their actions toward you are about them, not you. You do not have to take on the ugliness of the world because it is not yours to have. Others will lash out at you when they are not at peace with themselves. They are not happy in life and their well-being is off balance. It is not up to you to accept their treatment, or to take on their emotions as your own. I understand sometimes people will upset you because of how they treat you. Working customer service is a prime example of this because many come into the establishment on guard and ready to fight. We all know the “Karen’s” in the world. (I hate that term since I have a sister named Karen and she is NOT one! I need to put that out there.) They will curse, say rude comments, and yell in hopes of getting what they want. But in all honesty, their behavior goes far beyond being upset over something trivial. This does not mean it is yours to keep. Understand how you feel in that moment is not yours, release it from your heart, and be at peace with yourself. It is not an easy practice, but necessary to navigate in such a broken world we live in at this moment. When I come in contact with a situation that gets me off-balance, Take a moment to close your eyes, quieten your mind, and get back in check with your own feelings and peace.
  3. Happiness is a choice. It is not a circumstance, material possessions, the perfect life. It is the choice that despite your surroundings, you choose to be happy and at peace with love in your heart. Even when everything seems to be going wrong, it is important to view these things as life lessons and keep love and happiness in your heart. You will see the situations in a clearer aspect and be better able to overcome any and all obstacles. If you sit with fear and worry, that is what the Universe will give you. If you sit with love and peace in your heart, the Universe will send higher vibrational solutions, outcomes, answers. You will begin to find that obstacles in your life are easier to overcome and solutions are readily available to you. So, you can choose to let life swallow you up, feel sorry for yourself and make choices that will certainly send you further into a rabbit hole, or you can view it as a life lesson and hold love and happiness in your heart while overcoming it and using it to better your life and possibly pass on your findings to others to spread hope. Choices are what the universe calls “free will” and we all have it. It is up to you what you will do with it. Love and happiness will send you on the path to your purpose.

I hope you find these tidbits helpful and that you will utilize them in your life to create positive changes. I will continue to post these and I will blog more in-depth looks into them as time goes on. This is an example of taking the hits in life and using them as lessons for growth and passing them on to others for inspiration. If you find this helpful and you plan on using these in your day-to-day life, please comment below! I love hearing from others. And feel free to share this blog on your social media pages to spread love and knowledge.