General Thoughts, Thoughts

Random Tidbits Part 2

These two are big ones! Nothing changes unless something changes! You can’t just wish for things to be better in your life. You have to change what is your normal to something unfamiliar. Here are a few things to start shaking up what is not working for you.

  1. Remove limited beliefs of what is possible for you. The world we live in tells you every day that this or that isn’t possible. The Universe has a great abundance in line for you and it is greater than what you would ever fathom for yourself. But, unfortunately, society hammers into your head every day limited possibilities. They fill television programs and news channels with, to put quite bluntly, crap. This sludge they feed you subconsciously keeps you in a fear state. When we are in that fear state, we are unable to believe anything is truly possible for us to accomplish. I personally have removed watching any news channels. There are so many wonderful things happening in the world but the news feeds you nothing but horrific events. They might sprinkle a bit of happy here and there to offer you a glimmer of hope, but overall, it keeps you in the lowest vibration, fear. I don’t watch the news. I’ve removed any social media groups or accounts that promote nothing but hatred and fear mongering. I watch programs that will align me to a better life and keep me in a state of learning and broadening my mind. If you remove these outlets from your life, you will begin to see a difference in your overall state of being.
  2. Challenge your thoughts. Question if they are true. I had to do this quite a bit because I was horrible to myself. When I started to get my hands dirty and challenge whether those thoughts were true of me, I realized I was self-sabotaging myself out of fear of the unknown. I began to work on removing all negative self-talk and replacing it with motivating statements that were in line with my potential. I reprogrammed the word failure from a negative incantation to a stairway to positive change. Failure is nothing more than lessons. All successful people have failed on their journey. They just said, well, that didn’t work. Let’s try something else. Remove the ideal that good things only happen to others. Replace it with, good things are possible for me. Even if your path is littered with failures, you are perfecting your craft and moving towards your purpose.

Do you see a pattern here? That challenging your thoughts and replacing them on a subconscious level with positive ones, you will begin to pave the way to your purpose. Living in fear, and hatred for yourself, will only keep you down. What do you have to lose by changing your subconscious thoughts? I began to see that only positive came out of it. Even if things I want in life didn’t hit my doorstep tomorrow, at least I felt happier, lighter, and I could see the world was slowly opening up for me. The possibilities are lining up as I make positive changes in my being. That my free will choices are lining me up to my purpose and the things I see and want, I know they are possible for me. I don’t turn to unhealthy coping mechanisms that slow me down. I ask myself, will this choice align me with my purpose?

I also open myself up to see messages from my guides being placed in front of me. When something just isn’t working out, it is because it isn’t the right path. If I feel uneasy in a situation, it is not for me. When you open your intuitiveness to possibilities, you will begin to see, hear and feel patterns that are nudging you. Your guides will never tell you what to do. It is your lesson and your free will choices, but they will nudge you now and then especially when asked for help.

Now go out there and commit yourself to redirecting your limited beliefs in yourself and what is possible for you. Start challenging those negative thoughts you have about yourself because you are a beautiful energy living in this existence. Why not make it the best ever?!

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