
Signs: The Universe Speaks

Signs are all around us. We just normally shrug them off as coincidences. Even if the coincidence makes us wonder if it was more than that, it’s discarded anyway. When a loved one passes away, we want to connect to them so badly or many times we plead for guidance but don’t understand how to “hear” the reply. After reading the following, start paying attention to your surroundings. What is happening is not a mere coincidence. They are signs and messages from your ancestors, spirit guides, angels, or the universe. A whole new world will open up for you if you only take a moment, with an open mind, and see what can only be seen and understood with an understanding that there is more to our existence.

Have you ever been nudged to look at the time and see 11:11, 2:22, or 4:44? Or start to notice that another number keeps appearing repetitively? Did you know these are what is called “Angel Numbers.” These sequences of numbers have meanings, and it’s the Universe giving you guidance that you are on the right path, or you need to watch your thoughts and keep them positive. Maybe a big change is coming your way. It’s not just by chance you are seeing these numbers. They are signs given to you to help guide you on your journey in this life. If I’m ever doubting myself, I start seeing these patterns, letting me know to keep going. Or my loved ones are watching over me. Since my Dad passed away in March 2022, I see 757, which is the area code of where we were born and raised. I know he is sending me this number to let me know that he is around me, watching over me. Next time you see a number repetitively, look up what that angel number means. You will be surprised that it lines up with what is going on in your life.

I mentioned the number 757 and it being a sign from my Dad. Past loved ones send all sorts of signs to you. My son who passed away in 1996 sends me ladybugs. This is because he would try to save them in the house by putting them outside. One day, I opened the back door, and all these ladybugs were laying on the steps. He had good intentions, but being only 3 years old, he accidentally squashed them. A song from John Cougar Mellencamp comes on for my Uncle Spencer because he always reminded me of him because of how he danced. And I can’t forget my dear Granny. She always sang Amazing Grace, and that song will come on out of nowhere, or I will just start singing it. I know she is around. I remember once, my family and I were approaching my sons grave, and all of a sudden, a bunch of butterflies flew into the sky from it. It was something you would see in a movie. But we knew it was Jason saying hello. Ever have a dream of your loved one. That is another way they will visit you. They are all only a thought away. Talk to them anytime you need because they are listening. Then, keep your eyes and ears open for the responses. My heart melts, and I smile every time I get a beautiful sign.

I still get amazed by this one. It’s when the universe speaks to you. I never understood why nothing was working for me in life. Why, no matter how hard I tried, everything I did just wouldn’t work. Until one day I found out, it wasn’t working because it wasn’t my path to take. When you are on the right path, everything just lines up. I had been questioning lately about the path I’m on because I felt, well, if it’s the correct one, why is it not making a living for me? I was nudged to watch a program out of the blue, and in this program, it said, “Sometimes your path is not how you make a living.” You have a job that pays for you to do what is your purpose. The universe answered a question I had, and again, I sat there in amazement. I was beginning to feel I was failing at something again. Another example is when I recently wrote a blog here about meditation. That afternoon, during one of my Tiktok lives, the guests in the live event were asking questions about meditation. They didn’t see this blog, and yet the universe prepared me to talk about it and all that I learned in writing the piece. When you don’t question these random nudges and follow your intuition, you will be amazed how it all lines up with purpose. Or it could line you up for lessons too!

The universe speaks to you and gives you guidance in life to set you on a path. But as I’ve written about previously, we have free will and make our own choices. I lean towards listening to my inner voice these days because it sends me on the right path. These are guiding signs, but keep in mind, they aren’t always what you want, but what you need. Like, have you ever been running late for work and hit every light along the way. But then when you get further up the road, there was an accident. If you made every light and was running on time, it could have been you. Does that ring a bell for you? I know it has many times over. So I don’t get upset anymore when I hit those lights.

I could probably write a book on this topic. I’m sure there has to be one out there somewhere. There are so many examples I could give to prove my point. But, honestly, you probably won’t believe me until you start seeing it for yourself. Begin writing down the numbers you see. Think about something that reminds you of a loved one and see if all of a sudden, it appears. Ask the universe a question and pay attention to the things put in front of you. When you get a random thought, don’t just push it aside. Truly think about the possible significance of it in relation to what is happening in your life. You will be amazed by the fact that these are signs, not mere coincidences in your life.

I would love to hear about the signs you have seen in your journey. Whether they are life nudges or sweet hellos from your loved ones. I am still in awe of them all.

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